Wednesday, June 24, 2009

She's a Princess

She's hesitant but friendly, fearful but curious. She's the neighbor's dog, Princess. And she's getting more confident in her surroundings every day, wandering the neighborhood, chasing the rabbits and enojoying the water the neighbors leave out for her. Yep, it's a dog's life.

A few years ago it was a cat's life at my house. I had both Mick and Molly with me for over 18 years and they brought me great joy. They both died within the same year and the losses tore at my heart and left me empty for sometime.

Not everyone understands that. Those who don't have pets wonder why those of us who do get so emotional when they die? I don't understand them not understanding me! Any loss is valid, no matter the person, animal, place or thing. Each loss contributes to who we are today.

I don't imagine Mick or Molly would give Princess much thought if they were here today. Independent, calm and lethargic, an entergetic dog would be of no use to them. But they would all understand one thing: the people who love them are blessed to have them in their lives.

So for those of you who have lost a pet, send an extra prayer of catnip or Milk bones their way today. And treasure your memories always.


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