Friday, June 12, 2009

Thoughtful thoughts

Yesterday marked the 22nd year of my mother's death. I am amazed that it has been that long and can still remember the emotions of caregiving I felt most: exhaustion, caution and worry.

How did I get through it? How does anyone get through anything? With friends, faith and resources, I believe. I am grateful we had wonderful friends willing to sit with us, run errands and cook meals for us. What a blessing!

More importantly, we need to give ourselves permission to take care of ourselves, too. That doesn't have to mean a tropical vacation for 2 weeks (though that does sound appealing), it can be as simple as a walk around the block, an extra cup of tea or 15 minutes to read a chapter in a favorite book.

How will you take care of yourself today? I'd love to hear your plans!


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