Monday, June 22, 2009

Letting Go

For the past month or so I have been working on releasing the old: people, memories, attitudes and beliefs that no longer serve me or the life I am creating now. Letting go; it's not just for New Year's Eve anymore! I believe we can let go in any moment and turn to face our future with excitement and hope.

Take a look at those you surround yourself with on a regular basis. Are they positive and supportive? Or are they chronic complainers who shoot down every idea or dream you have for your life? Who would you rather spend time with? And why aren't you?

Perhaps it is being an only child with not too big of a family to rely on, that has led me to put more value on my friendships than most people do. I depend on my friends for the truth, inspiration, fun and sharing. But I see now that those friends can change, just as my goals and desires change. It's not personal. And I always remember the past with gratitude and fondness.

It's okay to let go.


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