Tuesday, January 05, 2010

And So It Begins- the Countdown

Whenever we enter a New Year it's natural to let that passing of time become our marker for other life events: birthdays, graduations, anniversaries and so forth.

My now-deceased mother would do that: each year on my birthday she would call me and say "twenty-two years ago (or twenty-five or twenty-six or whatever age I happened to be that year) I became the happiest mother ever because you were born!" A lovely sentiment, to be sure, but I also loved her next statement: "I hope you have a wonderful year, honey."

It was so much more pleasant to look ahead to that new year of life than to be reminded of all the years that I was less than who I hoped to be or spending time recounting the mistakes I made.

Now, with a few more years of birthdays celebrated, I can see that the lessons learned contributed to the choices I make for my future today.

How about you? What memories of your deceased loved ones, or even your own life experiences, will you allow to propel you forward into this New Year? How will you honor the past while creating a great future?

The choice is yours and I support you in taking bold steps to make those choices your reality!


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